Welcome to Spanish Says FREE online learning. You can add a second language to your curriculum vitae (CV) / resume or fine tune your pronunciation skills.
Who Started Spanish Says?
This was all started by an actual native Spanish teacher who wanted to reach out to her students during the 2020 pandemic. Her initiative came long before most schools thought about any kind of online learning system. Together with a professional production team videos are made daily.
Since schools were closed due to health regulations she wanted a place where her students, and anyone else interested in the Spanish language, could freely learn using well put together videos that enticed learning. This is how the Youtube channel was started.
Why Should You Learn Spanish?
There are many Spanish speaking countries around the world. The number of speakers is increasing each day. Having a second language is a big plus on any resume. Spanish is a great language study choice as it opens up more avenues of communication and success for you. Nothing is holding you back, start learning for FREE now.
How to Start Learning
Each video is carefully made to ensure that you get the most out of your experience. The format involves an introduction of what is going to be taught, the word or grammar involved, the pronunciation and finally, an example of the usage. This sequence ensures you fully understand what is being taught. Since it is free it also allows you to play the video over and over again from either this site or our Youtube channel.
The very first thing you should do is ensure you Subscribe to our Youtube channel so you can stay up to date with the videos we create. You only need to have a Gmail account which is also free.
Then, from the menu above you can choose your level such as Spanish 101 and How if you are now learning… all the way to Advanced if you are already familiar with the language.